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2006 Journal article Restricted
An open standard solution for domotic interoperability
Miori V., Tarrini L., Manca M., Tolomei G.
This article describes a service-oriented solution framework designed for home environments. A pragmatic approach is developed to help integrate conventional home automation systems following the service oriented computing paradigm. We believe it is improbable that there will be a single dominant middleware for the home computing that would be right for different appliances. A number of middlewares have recently emerged and it is common knowledge that they haven't a sufficient degree of interoperability. Because of this, the authors show how the approach based on XML, Web Services, and Internet protocols, provide a uniform and novel architecture to cope with the architecture complexity in a open standard way. Furthermore a converging layer is conceived to incorporate a high level abstraction by an XML-based home automation language.Source: IEEE transactions on consumer electronics 52 (2006): 97–103. doi:10.1109/TCE.2006.1605032
DOI: 10.1109/tce.2006.1605032

See at: IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics Restricted | ieeexplore.ieee.org Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2005 Journal article Restricted
La casa intelligente : ricerca scientifica e futuri scenari
Miori V.
Il termine Domotica, rappresenta l'applicazione delle tecnologie informatiche per l'automazione degli ambienti domestici. Le tecnologie impiegate variano in funzione delle dimensioni degli ambienti presi in considerazione e dei bisogni ai quali danno risposte concrete. La ricerca scientifica svolta nel Laboratorio di Domotica dell'ISTI-CNR, offre una soluzione per la risoluzione di uno dei problemi principali della Domotica, la mancanza di interoperabilità tra i sistemi.Source: scienzaonline 21 (2005).

See at: scienzaonline.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2006 Report Open Access OPEN
Aggiornamento e distribuzione del sistema informativo IFOLAMB - Rapporto Finale (Dicembre 2006)
Miori V.
This work describes the activities of the IFOLAMB (Information, Training, Environmental job) project, that are: o design; o achievement and updating of the information system; o delivery of data via Internet; o local and remote user interfaces.Source: Project report, IFOLAMB, 2006

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2001 Report Unknown
Progetto LABNET-II - Rapporto finale (dic'99- mar'00)
Miori V.
An abstract is not available.Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2001

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2001 Report Unknown
Progetto LABNET-II - Rapporto semestrale (giu'99- dic'99)
Miori V.
An abstract is not available.Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2001

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2001 Report Unknown
Sistema informativo per la formazione ambientale ANFORA-II - Primo rapporto
Miori V.
An abstract is not available.Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2001

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2007 Report Unknown
The connection among heterogeneous domotic devices
Miori V.
During the last years many technical solutions, promoted by important private industries and authorized standards bodies, have been developed to try to achieve the leadership in the domotic market. The result is confusion among potential product developers. Nowadays, too many home computing systems crowd the market, and they are rarely interoperable: these facts represent the main obstacle to the market growth. The work presents a new infrastructure based on a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) model in which the services coincide with the functionalities offered by the domotic devices. It uses the Web Services, that are the emerging standard communication paradigm in distributed SOA context, and a universal XML language that allows a standard communication.Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2007

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2007 Report Open Access OPEN
Una grammatica XML per la Domotica
Miori V., Testa F.
The result of ISTI-CNR Domotics Lab HATS(Home Automation Technologies and Standard) project, is a software framework dedicated to domotics middleware interoperability. A solution's primary function of the realization is a XML based middle language definition, dedicated to Domotics. It permit device services and properties abstraction as well as the commands used for the application interactions.Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2007

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2007 Report Open Access OPEN
Una soluzione wireless per il controllo dell'ambiente domestico
Miori V., Testa F.
The result of ISTI-CNR Domotics Lab HATS (Home Automation Technologies and Standard) project, is a software framework dedicated to domotics middleware interoperability. In this work we present an extension of this system where we can interface the web services of the system using mobile devices. The realization proposes a prototipe of a "universal remote control". Potentially it can control every device of every domotic system installed inside the house.Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2007

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2008 Report Open Access OPEN
L'integrazione della tecnologia BACnet nel sistema per l'interoperabilità delle reti domotiche
Miori V., Mazzurco S.
Certainly, we have many household appliances and hi-tech devices, but each one of them is independent of the others. The informatics research on domotics has one of its main target reaching the interoperability between all the devices available in a home, automating some particular sequences of tasks and integrating the home with the outside world, especially with the Internet. The lack of an open and universal domotic standard is the principal reason of the poor use of domotic in real environments, so a new software architecture based on the SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) model and a domotic XML language has been created in order to an homogenous and independent vision of the home envinronment. The paper discuss the integration of BACnet technology in the ambient.Source: Project report, EQUAL, 2008

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2008 Report Open Access OPEN
Il sistema informativo per l'informazione, la formazione e l'orientamento per il lavoro ambientale
Miori V.
This work is the final report of the ISTI activities for the IFOLAMB (Information, Training, Environmental job) project. The pricipal topics are: the design, the achievement and the updating, the delivery of data via Internet, the implementation of local and remote user interfaces, for the information system.Source: Project report, IFOLAMB, 2008

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2000 Report Unknown
Analisi dei sistemi CSCW orientati ai forum di discussione ed all'istruzione a distanza
Miori V.
Il progetto di collaborazione tra l'Istituto CNUCE del CNR e il Ministero dell'Ambiente, denominato INFEA, per la costruzione di un sistema informativo di tipo "open hypermedia system" a supporto del sistema nazionale di informazione, formazione ed educazione ambientale, prevede anche l'integrazione nel disegno complessivo, di applicazioni idonee alla gestione di discussioni e di corsi a distanza, attraverso l'uso di strumenti telematici e di Internet. L'analisi delle applicazioni esistenti sul mercato che potenzialmente potevano rivelarsi utili allo scopo, ha da subito evidenziato che la letteratura esistente su tali argomenti, era molto confusa. Esiste tutta una serie di sigle, acronimi e aree disciplinari non ben definite che spesso si intrecciano tra loro e che pur avendo lo stesso nome hanno significati diversi. La prima e assoluta esigenza era allora di fare chiarezza in questa giungla, in modo da avere ben chiaro quali dovevano essere gli scopi e le funzionalità delle varie applicazioni che dovranno essere implementate nel nostro sistema.Source: ISTI Technical reports, pp.5–39, 2000

See at: CNR ExploRA

1999 Conference article Unknown
Telelavoratore disabile: quali strumenti?
Miori V.
Per essere sicuri che le rampe di accesso alle "Autostrade dell'Informazione" siano percorribili e accessibili alle persone disabili, queste stesse persone devono contribuire in prima persona alla costruzione della Società dell'Informazione, cavalcando il fenomeno della rapida diffusione del telelavoro in modo consapevole e propositivo. Quali sono allora gli strumenti emergenti? Quali sono le applicazioni Internet che stanno oggi per decollare e che saranno utilizzate dai futuri telelavoratori disabili? L'articolo cerca di fare chiarezza su questi interrogativi, ponendo l'accento sulla reale possibilità di utilizzo da parte di utenti disabili e non, delle stesse applicazioni di rete.Source: 6º convegno nazionale "Informatica Didattica e Disabilità", pp. 1–8, Andria (BA), 4 novembre 1999

See at: CNR ExploRA

1998 Bachelor thesis Unknown
Il recupero e la diffusione delle informazioni nella Facoltà di Scienze Politiche di Firenze
Miori V.
Tesi di laurea di Tecnica di ricerca e di elaborazione dati presso l'Università degli studi di Firenze, facoltà Scienze politiche, indirizzo politico-sociale

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1998 Report Unknown
Progetto Labnet - Rapporto finale (nov'97-giu'98)
Miori V.
An abstract is not available.Source: ISTI Technical reports, 1998

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1998 Report Unknown
Progetto Labnet - Progetto Esecutivo
Miori V.
An abstract is not available.Source: ISTI Technical reports, 1998

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1998 Other Unknown
Concetti telematici per il collegamento alla rete LabNet
Miori V.
Abstract non disponibile

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1998 Conference article Unknown
Telework and virtual companies for the disabled
Miori V.
It is within this framework that a research project sponsored by Hewlett-Packard has been set up with the participation of the Pisa CNUCE Institute of the Italian CNR (National Research Council), specifically involving the Workgroup on Computer Technologies for Communication, of which the author is a member. The aim of the project is the creation of a virtual company, conducting its business solely on the Internet through the telework of personnel made up mostly of disabled persons. The ultimate objective is the founding of an authentic, exclusively on-line firm which, by projects end, will have established the necessary conditions to enable its employees to effectively earn their living by contributing in this virtual workplace.Source: Informatica 98, La Habana, Cuba, 1 January 1998

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2013 Report Open Access OPEN
L'evoluzione della Domotica verso l'Internet delle cose
Miori V., Pampana M.
It was analyzed and made a solution, called "gateway", to open a window on the Internet to a domotics heterogeneous network, made up of home automation devices conforming to different technologies, and it was made a web interface for interaction with it. Is associated to each device an address Internet address so that it can be identified, addressed and controlled, taking advantage of the vast address space of IPv6. To make everything more user-friendly was created a DNS server to translate the difficult IPv6 addresses formed by different groups of hexadecimal digits, in symbolic names easy to remember (eg lamp, alarm clock, washing machine).Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2013

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2014 Report Unknown
ISFOL - La divulgazione informazione e condivisione dei contenuti scientifici e di risultati di Ricerca dell'Area Sviluppo Sostenibile
Miori V.
This document relates to the work required by the operational collaboration between ISTI-CNR and ISFOL-Sustainable Development Area, under the Agreement of Scientific Collaboration ISFOL - ISTI CNR of 27 June 2013. The solutions designed and developed in the project are very innovative with special regard to physical devices, the navigation software, the method of connecting to the network, to the logic of interaction between the user and content, the issues of integration with the Web. Among other things, the project includes the planning, implementation and updating of the information system containing data about information, monitoring and environmental orientation. In such a vision was of primary importance, the concept of "independence from the the final device", upon the principles of organizations like the W3C which aims at ensuring a truly universal access to the Web also making use of mobile devices.Source: Project report, ISFOL, 2014

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