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2002 Report Open Access OPEN
Studio sull'integrazione di basi cartografiche numeriche diverse per provenienza e scala in un'unica architettura di sistema informativo territoriale
Basile P., Castro G., Coloru V., Garcet S., Mogorovich P., Pasquale A.
Il presente è il terzo documento in ordine cronologico dello studio riguardante l'integrazione di basi cartografiche diverse, per provenienza e scala, in un'unica architettura di Sistema Informativo Territoriale. Questo documento è una Relazione Sintetica che riassume esperienze e soluzioni prospettate, analizzate e riversate nei documenti Relazione Generale e Relazione Tecnica che l'hanno preceduta nell'arco di due anni. Alla luce di nuove esperienze la presente Relazione Sintetica non è però solamente un riassunto delle due suddette altre relazioni ma comprende nuove soluzioni, derivate dal continuo studio dell'argomento.Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2002

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

1998 Conference article Unknown
Integrazione di dati di basi cartografiche: un caso di studio sulle aree irrigue nel Mezzogiorno
Mogorovich P., Fais A., Basile P.
An abstract is not available.Source: 2° Conferenza Nazionale della Federazione delle Associazioni Scientifiche per le Informazioni Territoriali e Ambientali, Bolzano, 24 novembre 1998

See at: CNR ExploRA

1998 Contribution to conference Unknown
I Beni Culturali sul territorio: vincolistica, pianificazione, sfruttamento
Mogorovich P.
An abstract is not available.Source: GISItinera 1998 Giornata di studio, L'Aquila, 03 november 1998

See at: CNR ExploRA

1998 Contribution to conference Unknown
GIS per il patrimonio culturale: soluzioni tecniche, possibilità e limitazioni.
Mogorovich P.
An abstract is not available.Source: Convegno "GIS per il Patrimonio Culturale", Pisa-Scuola Normale Superiore, 6 october 1998

See at: CNR ExploRA

1998 Contribution to conference Unknown
Diffusione dei dati Corine Land Cover
Mogorovich P.
An abstract is not available.Source: Il Centro Interregionale al servizio delle Regioni: Progetti CORINE - Land Cover, Lacoast e Transitalia, Bologna, 20 ottobre 1998

See at: CNR ExploRA

1998 Conference article Unknown
Archivi aerofotografici: acquisizione, gestione e consultazione.
Mogorovich P., Boemi M. F.
An abstract is not available.Source: ASITA: 2° Conferenza Nazionale della Federazione delle Associazioni Scientifiche per le Informazioni Territoriali e Ambientali., pp. 353–361, Bolzano, 24 novembre 1998

See at: CNR ExploRA

1976 Other Unknown
Interfaccia per un sistema VS2 sotto VM
Mogorovich P.
nessun sommario disponibile

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1976 Other Unknown
Due semplici programmi di controllo sulla validità dei codici d'account
Mogorovich P.
nessun sommario disponibile

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1975 Other Unknown
L'interconnessione degli elaboratori 370/168 e 370/158
Mogorovich P.
No abstract available

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1974 Other Unknown
Alcune modifiche al sistema HASP versione 3.0
Mogorovich P.
No abstract available.

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1998 Conference article Unknown
Archie: A WAY to easily manage, browse and query Aerial-Foto Archives
Mogorovich P., Fagiuoli G., Renda O.
An abstract is not availableSource: ESRI User Conference, Florence, Italy, 01/10/1998

See at: CNR ExploRA

1998 Conference article Unknown
Geographic Information on the WEB - Problems and Solutions
Mogorovich P., Pizzo P., Renda O.
Geographical metainformation is quite a neglected resource but is the basis for a greater use of existing geographical information. From a commercial point of view it is also an excellent stimulus for the development of service, data and product markets. Metainformation is indispensable for users as it allows them to find out the existence of geographical data along with their content and quality; and suppliers can learn about the quality of data produced and publish it. This work analyses various scenarios in which suppliers and users are related via different organizational solutions. There are thus different constraints with regard to technical solutions. Finally, a new product in a prototype form is presented. It enables effective searches for geographical data on the Internet, using both geographical and alphanumerical criteria. The constant alignment between the data and the relative metainformation along with the use of a standard for the metainformation are shown to be critical elements in this sector.Source: 13thESRI User Conference, Florence, Italy, 7-9/10/1998

See at: proceedings.esri.com | CNR ExploRA

2007 Conference article Unknown
Il GIS come strumento di supporto alle decisioni per una rete di punti vendita
Mogorovich P., Masserotti M. V., De Bellis G.
Before the advent of GIS, marketing managers could only work with data organized in a tabular form (tables), which are not very easily interpreted and understood. GIS technology offers new and more advanced functionalities/tools, like the ability to represent target information within a cartographic framework, and to integrate and manage heterogeneous data, therefore providing a very friendly and versatile Decision Support System to them. In addition, GIS technology easily supports both synthesis and in-depth analysis, and their interplay, by means of theSource: 11a Conferenza Nazionale ASITA, Centro Congressi Lingotto, Torino, Italy, 6 - 9 novembre 2007

See at: CNR ExploRA

2010 Journal article Restricted
SID&GRID: Hydroinformatics system for the management of the water resource
Rossetto R., Borsi I., Schifani C., Bonari E., Mogorovich P., Primicerio M.
The research project SID@GRID aims to develop a Decision Support System (DSS) for the planning and management of the water resource. The SID@GRID system architecture is based on the integration of a geographically based Data Base, hydrological models and a Geographical Information System (GIS) able to load and organize data, prepare and parametrize a simulation run and display and analyze the result.Source: Rendiconti online Società Geologica Italiana 11 (2010): 193–194.

See at: www.scopus.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

1997 Report Unknown
GEO2DIS evaluation report
Bouvier B., Havas R., Hayot P., Della Maggiore R., Musone A., Mogorovich P., Riedhammer S., Rugani U., Trevisani M.
The geographical data, both raster (satellite images, aerial photographs, scanned maps, ...) and vector (DCW, IGN products like BDTopo and BDCarto, ...) are growing up exponentially in amount, complexity and variety. Need of geographical data are growing in the same way among governmental and local autorithies and commercial and industrial operators for various applications like urban planning, environment monitoring, civil engineering project impact studies and communication networks design . Therefore, potential users have a ever increasing need of services provided by responsive organisations (data distributors) using efficient tools for acquiring geographical data, i.e. identifying, locating, selecting, purchasing and retrieving it. The ESPRIT III project n°8017 GEographical Object Oriented heterogeneous Data Information Server (GEO2DIS) was born out of this need for efficient tools for geographical data acquisition. It was entrusted to a Consortium whose partners are MATRA SYSTEMES & INFORMATION from France. DORNIER from Germany and INTECS from Italy, with associated partners : IGN, O2 Technology, CNUCE-CNR, Region Toscana and the municipality of Pisa. Project goals were the definition of consolidated user requirements at the European level, the definition of a common architecture of the geographical data server and the validation of the concept and of the architecture through three applications. The project has designed, implemented and validated a system based on two types of stations the data distributor station and the data user station, connected through LAN or WAN. The data user station allows users to submit queries to the catalogue and to define and issue a request for data and to receive them using powerful MMI, where the footprint of the data are located on a Reference Background. This MMI is customisable to the user's needs. The data distributor station answers to the requests of the data user station and offers the services of managing the catalogue and the data. managing the For the description of the heterogeneous geographical data sets a common data model has been defined as an object class. For GDS (and GDS descriptions) request, the Geographical Object Query Language (GeOQL, extension of the OQL (Object Query Language), which is part of the standard ODMG 93. This architecture allows to build the system on various GIS or DBMS, according to the operational requirements of the data distributor. It was actually implemented on the GIS Arc-Info and the OODBMS O2 which has been fitted with a spatial indexing module giving responses times divided by ten compared with previous tools. The system has been validated by three users using it for acquiring data for three very different applications : Assessment of the Visual Impact of a sport and leisure centre in Deulemont (France), monitoring of the land use, suitability analysis for an waste disposal site near Pisa. The innovation and benefits of the system are that, even now, no other tool than GEO2DIS offers all the features needed for acquiring geographical data : the capability to manage large amount of data of both vector (including 3D objects) and raster types and the geographical continuity, use by potential non IT specialists users, efficient response time and acquisition methods. As the needs of the users and the state of the technology continuously progress, some improvements have to be planned for the system. The most important of them is the use of Web clients. Partners are marketing the system. Multilingual commercial leaflet and technical description have been produced. Presentation have been made to potential customers.Source: Project report, GEO2DIS, pp.1–121, 1997

See at: CNR ExploRA

1989 Other Unknown
Il contributo dei GIS alla conoscenza dei fenomeni ambientali
Campari I., Cumer A., Mogorovich P.
L'origine dei "danni di nuovo tipo" al patrimonio forestale, evidenti da più di un lustro, non è ancora chiara. Sono stati considerati all'origine del fenomeno prima le piogge acide, poi alcuni gas, infine l'effetto congiunto di questi con altri fattori. Un corretto utilizza delle tecnologie GIS e della modellistica necessaria suggerisce di affrontare il problema dei "danni di nuovo tipo" organizzando una serie di informazioni con completezza spaziale e temporale, acquisite da Organizzazioni qualificate secondo metodologie standardizzate.

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1988 Other Unknown
Repertorio cartografico interregionale ipotesi di realizzazione
Della Maggiore R., Mogorovich P.
no abstract available

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1987 Other Unknown
Texts and images data banks image storing facilities
Fortunati L., Mogorovich P.
No abstract available

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1987 Other Unknown
File di trasferimento standard per dati cartografici
Campari I., Mogorovich P.
No abstract available

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1987 Other Unknown
Banche Dati di testi e immagini, sistemi e servizi di trasmissione dei documenti
Fortunati L., Mogorovich P.
No abstract available

See at: CNR ExploRA