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2021 Doctoral thesis Open Access OPEN
Enhancing the computational representation of narrative and its extraction from text
Metilli D.
Narratives are a fundamental part of human life. Every human being encounters countless stories during their life, and these stories contribute to form a common understanding of reality. This is reflected in the current digital landscape, and especially on the Web, where narratives are published and shared everyday. However, the current digital representation of narratives is limited by the fact that each narrative is generally expressed as natural language text or other media, in an unstructured way that is neither standardized nor machine-readable. These limitations hinder the manageability of narratives by automated systems. One way to solve this problem would be to create an ontology of narrative, i.e., a formal model of what a narrative is, then develop semi-automated methods to extract narratives from natural language text, and use the extracted data to populate the ontology. However, the feasibility of this approach remains an open question. This thesis attempts to investigate this research question, starting from the state of the art in the fields of Computational Narratology, Semantic Web, and Natural Language Processing. Based on this analysis, we have identified a set of requirements, and we have developed a methodology for our research work. Then, we have developed an informal conceptualization of narrative, and we have expressed it in a formal way using First-Order Logic. The result of this work is the Narrative Ontology (NOnt), a formal model of narrative that also includes a representation of its textual structure and textual semantics. To ensure interoperability, the ontology is based on the CIDOC CRM and FRBRoo standards, and it has been expressed using the OWL and SWRL languages of the Semantic Web. Based on the ontology, we have developed NarraNext, a semi-automatic tool that is able to extract the main elements of narrative from natural language text. The tool allows the user to create a complete narrative based on a text, using the extracted knowledge to populate the ontology. NarraNext is based on recent advancements in the Natural Language Processing field, including deep neural networks, and is integrated with the Wikidata knowledge base. The validation of our work is being carried out in three different scenarios: (i) a case study on biographies of historical figures found in Wikipedia; (ii) the Mingei project, which applies NOnt to the representation and preservation of Heritage Crafts; (iii) the Hypermedia Dante Network project, where NOnt has been integrated with a citation ontology to represent the content of Dante's Comedy. All three applications have served to validate the representational adequacy of NOnt and the satisfaction of the requirements we defined. The case study on biographies has also evaluated the effectiveness of the NarraNext tool.Project(s): Mingei via OpenAIRE

See at: etd.adm.unipi.it Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2015 Software Unknown
Bartalesi Lenzi V., Meghini C., Andriani P., Metilli D.
DanteSources is a tool that allows you to retrieve information about Dante's primary sources. DanteSources allows you to visualize through tables and charts the list and the distribution of primary sources, authors and thematic areas cited by Dante in his works.

See at: perunaenciclopediadantescadigitale.eu | CNR ExploRA

2016 Conference article Restricted
Usability evaluation of the digital library DanteSources
Bartalesi V., Meghini C., Metilli D., Andriani P.
In this paper we present DanteSources, a Digital Library of Dante Alighieri's primary sources, i.e. the works of other authors that Dante cites in his texts. Currently, this information is scattered in many books, making it difficult for the scholars to retrieve it and also to produce a systematical overview of the cultural background of Dante. In order to overcome this problem, an ontology expressed in RDF/S was developed to represent this knowledge. Once the ontology had been defined, we populated it with the data included in authoritative commentaries to Dante's works. We stored the resulting RDF graph into a Virtuoso triple store. Finally, on top of this graph, we developed DanteSources, which allows users to extract and display the knowledge stored in the knowledge base in the form of charts and tables. In this paper we present the results of a survey to collect suggestions and comments from end-users on their interactions with DanteSources in order to evaluate its usability.Source: HCI International 2016 - Human-Computer Interaction. Novel User Experiences. 18th International Conference, pp. 191–203, Toronto, ON, Canada, 17-22 July 2016
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-39513-5_18

See at: doi.org Restricted | link.springer.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2016 Conference article Restricted
Steps towards a formal ontology of narratives based on narratology
Bartalesi Lenzi V., Meghini C., Metilli D.
Narrative is emerging as a notion that may enable overcoming the limitations of the discovery functionality (only ranked lists of objects) offered by information systems to their users. We present preliminary results on modelling narratives by means of formal ontology, by introducing a conceptualization of narratives and a mathematical expression of it. Our conceptualization tries to capture fundamental notions of narratives as defined in narratology, such as fabula, narration and plot. A validation of the conceptualization and of its mathematical specification is ongoing, based on the Semantic Web standards and on the CIDOC CRM ISO standard ontology.Source: 7th Workshop on Computational Models of Narrative, pp. 4–10, Kraków, Poland, 11-12 July 2016
DOI: 10.4230/oasics.cmn.2016.4
Project(s): PARTHENOS via OpenAIRE

See at: drops.dagstuhl.de Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2016 Conference article Restricted
Steps towards accessing digital libraries using narratives
Meghini C., Bartalesi V., Metilli D.
One of the main problems of the current Digital Libraries (DLs) is the limitation of the informative services offered to the users. Indeed, DLs provide simple search functionalities which return a list of the information objects contained in them. No semantic relation among the returned objects is usually reported which can help the user in obtaining a more complete knowledge on the subject of the search. The introduction of the Semantic Web has the potential of improving the search functionalities of DLs. Many cultural institutions have represented their metadata into formal descriptions encoded by means of formal languages such as RDF and OWL. In this context, the aim of our research is to introduce the narrative as a new search functionality which does not only return a list of objects but presents a narrative, composed of events that are linked to the objects of the library and endowed with a set of semantic relations connecting these events into a meaningful semantic network. The paper presents the first theoretical achievements on a model for representing narratives.Source: 10th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Cultural Heritage co-located with the 15th International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AI*IA 2016), pp. 10–17, Genova, Italy, 28 November 2016
Project(s): PARTHENOS via OpenAIRE

See at: ceur-ws.org Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2017 Software Unknown
Narrative building and visualising tool
Metilli D., Bartalesi Lenzi V., Meghini C.
The Narrative Building and Visualising Tool (NBVT) is a semi-automatic tool to construct and visualise narratives, intended as semantic networks of events related each other through semantic relations. This tool obeys an ontology for narratives. NBVT uses Wikidata/Wikimedia Commons as external knowledge base of images and entities. The user of NBVT can select instances of the narratives ontologies among automatically proposed Wikidata entities, otherwise new entities can be created. NBVT assigns URIs to the selected instances and facilitates the construction of events based on these instances, and their linking to form narratives. The knowledge collected by the tool is exported as Linked Data.Project(s): PARTHENOS via OpenAIRE

See at: dlnarratives.eu | CNR ExploRA

2017 Conference article Restricted
Introducing narratives in Europeana: preliminary steps
Meghini C., Bartalesi Lenzi V., Metilli D., Benedetti F.
We present some preliminary steps towards the introduction of narratives as first-class citizens in digital libraries. The general idea is to enrich the digital libraries with events providing a rich contextualisation of the digital libraries' objects. More specific motivations are presented in the paper through a set of use cases by different actors who would benefit from using narratives for different purposes. We then consider a specific digital library, Europeana, the largest European digital library in the cultural domain. We discuss how the Europeana Data Model should be extended for representing narratives. We present a tool supporting the creation and the visualisation of narratives and we show how the tool has been employed to create a narrative of the life of the painter Gustav Klimt.Source: ADBIS 2017 New Trends in Databases and Information Systems. 21st European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems, ADBIS 2017 and 1st workshop on Data Driven Approaches for Analyzing and Managing Scholarly Data, AMSD 2017, 1st workshop on Novel Techniques for Integrating Big Data, BigNovelTI 2017, 1st International workshop on Data Science: Methodologies and Use-Cases, DaS 2017, 2nd International workshop on Semantic Web for Cultural Heritage, SW4CH 2017, pp. 333–342, Nicosia, Cyprus, 24-27 September 2017
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-67162-8_33
Project(s): PARTHENOS via OpenAIRE

See at: doi.org Restricted | link.springer.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2017 Journal article Open Access OPEN
A conceptualisation of narratives and its expression in the CRM
Bartalesi Lenzi V., Meghini C, Metilli D.
Current Digital Libraries (DLs) are mostly built around large collections of scarcely related objects. We aim at enriching the information space of DLs by introducing narratives, consisting of two main components: networks of events related to one another and to the DL resources through semantic links, and narrations of those events in texts. In order to introduce narratives in DLs, we developed a conceptualisation based on narratology and we expressed it using the CIDOC CRM and CRMinf as reference ontologies. We used this expression to validate our conceptualisation, creating a narrative of the biography of Dante Alighieri as a realistic case study. To support this experiment, we developed a semi-automated tool that collects basic knowledge about objects and events from Wikidata. The developed ontology is general enough to be not limited to create biographies but other types of narratives as well.Source: International journal of metadata, semantics and ontologies (Online) 12 (2017): 35–46. doi:10.1504/IJMSO.2017.087692
DOI: 10.1504/ijmso.2017.087692
DOI: 10.1504/ijmso.2017.10008654
Project(s): PARTHENOS via OpenAIRE

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | International Journal of Metadata Semantics and Ontologies Restricted | International Journal of Metadata Semantics and Ontologies Restricted | www.inderscience.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2017 Contribution to book Restricted
Using Formal Narratives in Digital Libraries
Meghini C., Bartalesi V., Metilli D.
Currently, Digital Libraries (DLs) provide simple search functionalities to respond to the user's queries, which return a ranked list of the resources included in the DLs. No semantic relation among the returned objects is usually reported that could help the user to obtain a more complete knowledge on the subject of the search. The introduction of the Semantic Web and in particular of the Linked Open Data has the potential of improving the search functionalities of DLs. In this context, the long-term aim of our study has been to introduce the narrative as new first-class search functionality of DLs. We intend narratives as semantic networks of events that are linked to the objects of the DLs and are endowed with a set of semantic relations that connect an event to another. In this paper, we report an overview of the main ontologies for representing events and of the tools developed in the Semantic Web field to visualize events and narratives. This overview is needed for achieving the first goal of our research, that is the development of an ontology for representing narratives and, on the top of this ontology, a tool to construct and visualize narratives using the digital objects included in DLs.Source: Digital Libraries and Archives, edited by Costantino Grana, Lorenzo Baraldi, pp. 83–94, 2017
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-68130-6_7
Project(s): PARTHENOS via OpenAIRE

See at: doi.org Restricted | link.springer.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2017 Journal article Open Access OPEN
DanteSources: a digital library for studying Dante Alighieri's primary sources
Bartalesi Lenzi V., Meghini C., Metilli D., Andriani P., Tavoni M.
We present DanteSources, a focused Digital Library that aims at building innovative services supporting scholars in creating, evolving and consulting a digital encyclopaedia of Dante Alighieri's works. DanteSources is endowed with Web services that allow extracting and visualizing data about Dante Alighieri's primary sources, i.e. other authors' works which Dante referred to in his own works. The heart of the digital library is a knowledge base built on an ontology that was developed in the RDF/S language, representing Dante's works and the knowledge about them, extracted from some authoritative commentaries. Finally, on top of this graph, we developed DanteSources, which allows users to extract and display the knowledge stored in the knowledge base in the form of charts and tables. The methodology and the tool we developed are easily reusable to represent the knowledge about primary sources of other authors of the Italian or the international literature.Source: Umanistica Digitale (2017): 119–128. doi:10.6092/issn.2532-8816/7250
DOI: 10.6092/issn.2532-8816/7250

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | Umanistica Digitale Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2018 Journal article Open Access OPEN
A web application for exploring primary sources: the DanteSources case study
Bartalesi V., Meghini C., Metilli D., Tavoni M., Andriani P.
We present the methodological and technical process we adopted to develop DanteSources, a Web application that allows free access to the knowledge about Dante Alighieri's primary sources, i.e. the works of other authors that Dante cites in his texts. Up to now, this knowledge has been collected in many paper books, making it difficult for the scholars to retrieve it and to produce a complete overview of these data. Using Semantic Web technologies, we developed an ontology expressed in the Resource Description Framework Schema vocabulary providing the terms to represent this knowledge in a machine-readable form. A semi-automatic tool helps the scholars to populate the ontology with the data included in authoritative paper commentaries to Dante's works. Then, the tool automatically saves the resulting Resource Description Framework graph in a triple store. On top of this graph, we developed DanteSources, a Web application that allows users to extract and display the information stored in the knowledge base in the form of charts and tables. Finally, we report the results of a survey to collect suggestions from end-users on their interactions with DanteSources. The methodology and the tools we developed are easily reusable, e.g. to represent the knowledge about primary sources of other authors of the Italian and the international literature.Source: Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 33 (2018): 705–723. doi:10.1093/llc/fqy002
DOI: 10.1093/llc/fqy002

See at: Digital Scholarship in the Humanities Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | academic.oup.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2018 Conference article Open Access OPEN
A Software Architecture for Narratives
Meghini C., Bartalesi V., Metilli D., Benedetti F.
The current Digital Libraries (DLs) usually return as answer of a user's query a ranked list of the resources included in the DLs but no semantic relation among the resources are reported. Using the Semantic Web technologies it is possible to improve these search functionalities introducing narratives as new search method. As narratives we intend semantic networks of events that are linked to the objects of the DLs and are endowed with a set of semantic relations that connect an event to another. These semantic networks may help the users to obtain a more complete knowledge on the subject of their searches. In this paper, we present a software architecture for building narratives in order to introduce them in DLs. Our architecture is composed of several tools (automatic and semi-automatic tools) for creating, storing and visualizing narratives. When possible, we reused open source components already available on-line, and for the software we developed, we freely distribute it for research aims.Source: IRCDL 2018 - 14th Italian Research Conference on Digital Libraries, pp. 23–29, Udine, Italy, 25-26 January 2018
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-73165-0_3
Project(s): PARTHENOS via OpenAIRE

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | doi.org Restricted | link.springer.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2019 Journal article Open Access OPEN
Introducing narratives in Europeana: a case study
Meghini C., Bartalesi V., Metilli D., Benedetti F.
We present a preliminary study to introduce narratives as a first-class functionality in digital libraries. The general idea is to enrich those libraries with semantic networks of events providing a meaningful contextualisation of the digital libraries' objects. More specific motivations are presented through a set of use cases by different actors who would benefit from using narratives for different purposes. Then, we consider a specific digital library, Europeana, the largest European digital library in the cultural heritage domain. We discuss how the Europeana Data Model could be extended for representing narratives, and we introduce an ontology for narratives. We also present a semi-automatic tool, which, on the basis of the ontology, supports the creation and visualisation of narratives, and we show how the tool has been employed to create a narrative of the life of the painter Gustav Klimt as a case study. In particular, we focus our attention on the functionality of the tool that allows extracting and proposing to the user specific digital objects for each event of the narrative.Source: International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 29 (2019): 7–16. doi:10.2478/amcs-2019-0001
DOI: 10.2478/amcs-2019-0001

See at: International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science Open Access | International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science Open Access | International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | www.amcs.uz.zgora.pl Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2019 Conference article Open Access OPEN
Populating narratives using Wikidata events: an initial experiment
Metilli D., Bartalesi V., Meghini C., Aloia N.
The study presented in this paper is part of our research aimed at improving the search functionalities of current Digital Libraries using formal narratives. Narratives are intended as sequences of events. We present the results of an initial experiment to detect and extract implicit events from the Wikidata knowledge base in order to construct a narrative in a semi-automatic way. Wikidata contains many historical entities, but comparably few events. The reason is that most events in Wikidata are represented in an implicit way, e.g. by listing a date of birth instead of having an event of type "birth". For this reason, we decided to generate what we call the Wikidata Event Graph (WEG), i.e. the graph of implicit events found in Wikidata. We performed an initial experiment taking as case study the narrative of the life of Italian poet Dante Alighieri. Only one event of the life of Dante is explicitly represented in Wikidata as instance of the class Q1190554 Occurrence. Using the WEG, we were able to automatically detect 31 more events of Dante's life that were present in Wikidata in an implicit way.Source: ICRDL 2019 - 15th Italian Research Conference on Digital Libraries, pp. 159–166, Pisa, Italy, 31 Juanry - 01 February 2019
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-11226-4_13
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2555042
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2555043
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1489713
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1489714

See at: ZENODO Open Access | ZENODO Open Access | ZENODO Open Access | ZENODO Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | zenodo.org Open Access | doi.org Restricted | link.springer.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2019 Journal article Open Access OPEN
A Wikidata-based tool for building and visualising narratives
Metilli D., Bartalesi V., Meghini C.
In this paper we present a semi-automatic tool for constructing and visualising narratives, intended as networks of events related to each other by semantic relations. The tool obeys an ontology for narratives that we developed. It retrieves and assigns internationalised resource identifiers to the instances of the classes of the ontology using Wikidata as an external knowledge base and also facilitates the construction and contextualisation of events, and their linking to form the narratives. The knowledge collected by the tool is automatically saved as an Web ontology language graph. The tool also allows the visualisation of the knowledge included in the graph in simple formats like tables, network graphs and timelines. We have carried out an initial qualitative evaluation of the tool. As case study, an historian from the University of Pisa has used the tool to build the narrative of Dante Alighieri's life. The evaluation has regarded the effectiveness of the tool and the satisfaction of the users' requirements.Source: International journal on digital libraries (Internet) 20 (2019): 417–432. doi:10.1007/s00799-019-00266-3
DOI: 10.1007/s00799-019-00266-3

See at: International Journal on Digital Libraries Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | link.springer.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2019 Conference article Open Access OPEN
Steps towards a system to extract formal narratives from text
Metilli D., Bartalesi V., Meghini C.
In this paper we present a first step towards a system to extract for- mal narratives from text. This work is part of a wider research on the introduction of narratives in Digital Libraries. We represent narratives as networks of events, each set in space and time, endowed with factual components, and linked to each other through semantic relations. In order to extract a narrative from text, the first step is to automatically detect and classify the events in the text. We present a software we developed that uses neural networks for event detection and classifica- tion. It was trained on a dataset of annotated biographies of writers and artists from the English Wikipedia and on the ACE 2005 training corpus. We tested the software on the biography of Florentine poet Dante Alighieri. This software constitutes the first component of a broader system for narrative extraction from natural language text.Source: Text2Story 2019 - Second Workshop on Narrative Extraction From Texts, pp. 53–61, Cologne, Germany, 14 April 2019

See at: ceur-ws.org Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2019 Conference article Open Access OPEN
Sistemi basati su ontologie per le Digital Humanities
Meghini C., Bartalesi V., Benedetti F., Metilli D.
Un sistema informativo per le Digital Humanities (DH per brevità) é visto come un agente che manipola conoscenza, essendo in grado di accogliere conoscenza dal mondo esterno (funzione di TELL) e di elaborarla in modo appropriato per rispondere a domande relative alla conoscenza posseduta (funzione di ASK). Il nostro gruppo ha fatto propria questa visione e sta lavo-rando da qualche anno ad applicarla nel settore delle DH. La seconda Sezione del paper descrive due progetti in cui tale visione si è esplicata. Nella prima sezione, si argomenta perché la visione risulti paricolarmente fruttuosa per le DH, al di là dei vantaggi che essa porta da un punto di vista ingegneristico.Source: Ital-IA 2019 - Workshop AI for Cultural Heritage, Roma, Italy, 18 marzo 2019

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | www.ital-ia.it Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2019 Contribution to conference Open Access OPEN
Constructing narratives using NBVT: a case study
Bartalesi V., Metilli D., Meghini C.
Narratives are a fundamental part of human life, starting from the epic poems of the ancient past to modern films. Since the 1970s, much research has been carried out to study the computational representation of narratives. Up to now, there is no standard definition of narrative. In our research, we intend narratives as networks of events defined by a narrator, endowed with participating entities (e.g. persons, location, time) and semantic relations. In this paper, we introduce the Narrative Building and Visualising Tool (NBVT), a semi- automatic software based on a formal ontology for narratives we developed. The tool allows users to construct and visualise narratives using Wikidata as reference knowledge base and Europeana for enriching the narrative with digital objects. As case study, we present the narrative of the life of the Austrian painter Gustav Klimt created using NBVT. Since Wikidata is not event-based, our efforts focus on the automatic extraction from Wikidata of the implicit events that compose the narrative. Furthermore, we developed a dedicated functionality in NBVT that finds the Europeana digital objects related to a particular event. This functionality matches the metadata of Europeana digital objects with the event and the participating entities using a similarity algorithm.Source: 8th AIUCD Conference 2019, pp. 169–171, Udine, Italy, 22-25 January 2019

See at: aiucd2019.uniud.it Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2016 Journal article Closed Access
DanteSources: una biblioteca digitale delle fonti dantesche
Bartalesi V., Andriani P., Metilli D., Meghini C., Tavoni M.
Un tipo importante di conoscenza studiata in campo umanistico è rappresentato dalle fonti primarie di testi letterari, ovvero le opere di altri autori a cui uno scrittore fa riferimento nei propri testi. Solitamente questa conoscenza è riportata nei commentari ai testi letterari, scritti in linguaggio naturale, di cui i lettori si servono per studiare in profondità i diversi aspetti di queste opere. Sfortunatamente questa conoscenza non è disponibile in un formato digitale leggibile da un computer, perciò non è possibile per gli studiosi ottenere inferenze automatiche che, seppur semplici, potrebbero essere utili per i loro studi (ad esempio la distribuzione delle fonti primarie e degli autori citati in una determinata opera). Il nostro studio si colloca nell'ambito del progetto di ricerca nazionale (PRIN 2013-2016) "Per una enciclopedia dantesca digitale . Lo scopo della nostra ricerca è quello di costruire una biblioteca digitale dotata di servizi a supporto degli studiosi per creare, arricchire e consultare una enciclopedia digitale delle opere di Dante Alighieri. In particolare, il nostro studio mira a supportare gli studiosi nell'espressione formale e nell'accesso alla conoscenza riguardante le fonti primarie citate nelle opere di Dante Alighieri, e più in generale nei testi letterari. In questo articolo descriviamo la metodologia e il processo di sviluppo che abbiamo seguito per creare DanteSources, una biblioteca digitale che fornisce libero accesso alle informazioni riguardanti le fonti primarie di Dante Alighieri. Illustriamo qui l'intero processo, dalla creazione dell'ontologia per rappresentare la conoscenza riguardante le fonti primarie fino allo sviluppo della biblioteca. La metodologia e gli strumenti che abbiamo sviluppato all'interno del progetto sono facilmente riutilizzabili per rappresentare la conoscenza riguardante le fonti primarie di altri autori della letteratura italiana e internazionale.Source: Le Forme e la storia IX (2016). doi:10.1400/256610
DOI: 10.1400/256610

See at: www.torrossa.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2017 Conference article Unknown
L'esplorazione delle fonti dantesche attraverso la biblioteca digitale DanteSources
Tavoni M., Andriani P., Meghini C., Bartalesi V., Metilli D.
Negli ultimi anni abbiamo potuto assistere a un intensificarsi dei rapporti di collaborazione fra l'informatica e le scienze umane. L'area di ricerca delle Digital Humanities (o Informatica Umanistica) ha visto infatti un moltiplicarsi di progetti di digitalizzazione e un incremento e raffinamento degli strumenti informatici per la rappresentazione e il trattamento di dati provenienti dall'ambito umanistico. Un ambito di ricerca che sta conoscendo un notevole sviluppo è quello del Semantic Web, che sperimenta nuovi linguaggi e modelli di dati per la rappresentazione dei livelli semantici nelle risorse informative, consentendone l'elaborazione automatica. È in questo campo di indagine che si inserisce la biblioteca digitale DanteSources. 1 DanteSources nasce nell'ambito del progetto di ricerca nazionale "Per una enciclopedia dantesca digitale" (PRIN 2013-2016), coordinato da Marco Santagata, nato con lo scopo di costruire una biblioteca digitale in grado di fornire servizi di supporto agli studiosi per creare, arricchire e consultare una enciclopedia digitale delle opere di Dante Alighieri. In particolare, DanteSources si concentra sulla rappresentazione della conoscenza riguardante le fonti citate nelle opere di Dante Alighieri, ovvero le opere di altri autori a cui Dante fa riferimento nei propri testi. Solitamente questa conoscenza è riportata in testi a stampa e non è disponibile in formato digitale, perciò non è possibile per gli studiosi ottenere inferenze automatiche che, seppur semplici, potrebbero essere utili per i loro studi: ad esempio la distribuzione delle fonti e degli autori citati in una determinata opera. DanteSources rappresenta queste informazioni tramite le metodologie e i linguaggi del Semantic Web, e le rende disponibili in un formato facilmente interpretabile da strumenti informatici, in modo da consentire un salto di qualità nell'analisi delle fonti dantesche. In questo articolo descriviamo il processo di sviluppo seguito per la creazione della biblioteca digitale, dalla creazione dell'ontologia per rappresentare la conoscenza riguardante le fonti fino allo sviluppo della biblioteca digitale. La metodologia e gli strumenti che abbiamo sviluppato all'interno del progetto sono facilmente riutilizzabili per rappresentare la conoscenza riguardante le fonti di altri autori della letteratura italiana e internazionale.Source: Sulle tracce del Dante Minore - Prospettive di ricerca per lo studio delle fonti dantesche, pp. 29–52, Bergamo, 20/5/2016 - 21/5/2016

See at: CNR ExploRA