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2017 Software Metadata Only Access
SSTorage gCube service
Cirillo R
A RESTful service providing functions for create, update, read a json object on MongoDB cluster.

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted | www.gcube-system.org Restricted

2012 Software Metadata Only Access
gCube Software gateway service
Cirillo R
The Software Gateway service is a gateway over N Maven Repositories for the enabling layer on gCube infrastructure. the service also certifies which software is deployable withing the gCube infrastructureProject(s): IMARINE via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted

2012 Software Metadata Only Access
Storage Manager Library for gCube.
Cirillo R
The storage manager library implements access and storage facilities, POSIX-Like API which supports the organisation and operations normally associated with local file systems whilst offering scalable and fault-tolerant remote storage.Project(s): D4SCIENCE-II via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted | www.gcube-system.org Restricted

2015 Software Metadata Only Access
Storage manager library for gCube
Cirillo R
The storage manager library implements access and storage facilities, POSIX-Like API which supports the organisation and operations normally associated with local file systems whilst offering scalable and fault-tolerant remote storage.Project(s): D4SCIENCE-II via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted | www.gcube-system.org Restricted

2013 Other Open Access OPEN
IMarine - IMarine data infrastructure enabling software
Antoniadis A, Cirillo R, Formisano C, Fortunati L, Gerbesiotis J, Lelii L, Panagiotis L, Savini A, Simeoni F, Travaglino E
iMarine Data Infrastructure Enabling Software contains the description of software and pointers to the documentation and artifacts of the related components that comprise the e-Infrastructure Management suite delivered from M11 to M24Project(s): IMARINE via OpenAIRE

See at: goo.gl Open Access | CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2014 Software Metadata Only Access
gCube registry publisher
Cirillo R, Lelii L
The gCube Registry Publisher is a java library that operates in the context of gCube framework. This library represents, in conjunction with the IC-Client library, the mediation layer gCube Services, it will rely on to interact with the Information Service as a whole in order to publish, update, delete any kind of shared resource in the gCube context.Project(s): IMARINE via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted

2015 Software Metadata Only Access
gCube Whn manager
Cirillo R
The Whn-Manager is a smartgears based service that operates in the context of gCube providing an interface for remotely managing a Web Hosting Node. In particular, this service is responsible for: the management and changes of the scope of the node and the locally deployed service instances according to the Scope Management rules; publishing in the Information System the gCube Resource representing the wHN.Project(s): IMARINE via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted | www.gcube-system.org Restricted

2022 Other Restricted
OPEN-ASFA Mid-term Report
Assante M, Cirillo R, Dell'Amico A, Lelii L, Pagano P, Panichi G
This document describes the services exploited by the Open-ASFA Virtual Research Environment (OPEN-ASFA VRE) at mid-term. It reports on service availability, maintenance, service operation, upgrades and validation. This report also includes metrics of usage of the various services by ASFA users.

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted | open-asfa.d4science.org Restricted

2023 Other Restricted
OpenASFA - Final report
Assante M., Cirillo R., Dell'Amico A., Pagano P., Panichi G., Piccioli T.
This document describes the services exploited by the Open-ASFA Virtual Research Environment (OPEN-ASFA VRE) at final term, 30 April 2023. It reports on service availability, maintenance, service operation, upgrades and validation. This report also includes metrics of usage of the various services by ASFA users.

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2014 Other Open Access OPEN
IMARINE - iMarine Data e­-Infrastructure Operation Report
Candela L, Cirillo R, Manzi A, Pagano P
The iMarine Data e-­Infrastructure is a living system whose development is mainly driven by requirements and feedback produced by the iMarine CoP. This deliverable is the third of the series of reports on the activities performed while operating such a system. The deliverable describes the state of the Data e-­Infrastructure in terms of nodes available, software deployed, quality of the service, and usage as of September 2014.Project(s): IMARINE via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2015 Software Metadata Only Access
gCube resource manager
Simi M, Cirillo R
The Resource Manager is a SOA based service in charge of managing gCube Scope contexts. The Resource Manager 2.0, by coordinating five distinguished services (Deployer, Software Gateway, Resource Broker, gCube Hosting Node Manager, Web Hosting Node Manager), realizes the VRE dynamic deployment by, respectively, collecting service implementations, selecting target nodes for deployment within the infrastructure, and hosting resources implementations at selected nodes. The primary role assigned to this service is to collects and manage all the resources and service implementations related to a specific Virtual Organization.Project(s): IMARINE via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted | www.gcube-system.org Restricted

2019 Other Restricted
PARTHENOS - Deliverable 6.6 - PARTHENOS Cloud Infrastructure
Pagano P., Assante M., Frosini L., Manghi P., Bardi A., Sinibaldi F., Cirillo R., Panichi G.
"D6.6 PARTHENOS cloud infrastructure" is the revised and final version of "D6.1 PARTHENOS cloud infrastructure". This deliverable reports the PARTHENOS e-infrastructure architecture: the hardware and the services. Hardware is organized as a dynamic cloud of virtual machines, supporting computation and storage, while the services are organized into e-infrastructure middleware, storage, and end user services.Source: Project report, PARTHENOS, Deliverable D6.6, pp.1–63, 2019
Project(s): PARTHENOS via OpenAIRE

See at: data.d4science.net Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2022 Other Restricted
D4Science activity report 2022
Assante M, Candela L, Castelli D, Cirillo R, Coro G, Dell'Amico A, Frosini L, Lelii L, Mangiacrapa F, Pagano P, Panichi G, Piccioli T, Sinibaldi F, Zoppi F
D4Science is an IT infrastructure specifically conceived to support the development and operation of Virtual Research Environments by the as-a-Service provisioning mode. This report documents the activities performed in 2022 to develop this infrastructure and support several projects and exploitations.DOI: 10.32079/isti-tr-2022/037
Project(s): ARIADNEplus via OpenAIRE, Blue Cloud via OpenAIRE, EOSC-Pillar via OpenAIRE, DESIRA via OpenAIRE, SoBigData-PlusPlus via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2022 Software Metadata Only Access
Cirillo R
Pipeline scritta in groovy che permette il "deploy" automatico di software su macchine remote. La pipeline viene usata attivamente nell'Infrastruttura D4Science per la realizzazione del "Continuous Deployment" (CD). E' possibile lanciare la pipeline sia in modalita' manuale, sia agganciata a "Jenkins Jobs" oppure "triggered" dalla pipeline di Build, denominata "gCubeBuilder". Il software della infrastruttura D4Science viene distribuito sulle macchine remote, tramite l'uso di script basati sul sistema di provisioning denominato Ansible.Project(s): Blue Cloud via OpenAIRE

See at: code-repo.d4science.org Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2023 Other Restricted
TerritoriAperti - Report a 30 mesi
Assante M., Pagano P., Dell'Amico A., Cirillo R., Mangiacrapa F., Frosini L., Panichi G.
The Territori Aperti Gateway1, provides users with access to the Territori Aperti Catalogue and to the Exploratories supporting scientific research with the creation of new knowledge and skills through the management and enhancement of data and analytical processes.This document illustrates the services exploited by the Territori Aperti Gateway and reports the status of the activities at the end of the 30 months.

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2019 Other Open Access OPEN
SoBigData - D10.7 - SoBigData e-infrastructure and VRE release
Assante M, Candela L, Cirillo R, Frosini L, Lelii L, Mangiacrapa F, Pagano P
This deliverable describes the software that has been deployed to serve the needs of the SoBigData community, by delivering the platform and the VREs planned in "D10.4 SoBigData e-Infrastructure release plan 3". In particular, it reports on how such software has been exploited to make available the envisaged components, i.e. the SoBigData portal (and the underlying Virtual Organisation), the SoBigData Catalogue and the SoBigData Virtual Research Environments, together with the list and pointers to the software packages produced by the project and implementing such components, whose operation today constitutes the SoBigData e-infrastructure accessible from http://sobigdata.d4science.org.Project(s): SoBigData via OpenAIRE

See at: data.d4science.net Open Access | CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2014 Other Open Access OPEN
iMarine - iMarine Data Management Software
Coro G, Lelii L, Manzi A, Drakopoulos N, Marioli V, Cirillo R, Simeoni F, Antoniadis A, Brito F, Caumont H
The iMarine Data Management Software comprises a number of components and subsystems offering facilities for accessing, transferring and harmonising a rich array of data typologies. This document describes the novelties within the iMarine Data Management Software from M12 (Oct.'12) to M27 (Jan.'14). It complements D9.2 [10] which describes iMarine Data Management Software up to M11 (Sept.'12). This deliverable is intended for documentation purposes only. The actual deliverable is represented by the software artifacts and their accompanying documentation.Project(s): IMARINE via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2016 Other Open Access OPEN
BlueBRIDGE - D9.1 BlueBRIDGE VRE Commons Facilities
Assante M, Candela L, Cirillo R, Coro G, Koltsida P, Marioli V, Perciante C, Sinibaldi F
Deliverable D9.1 - "BlueBRIDGE VRE Commons Facilities" reports the release of the BlueBRIDGE facilities for Data Access, Data Discovery, Data Storage, Data Analytics and Data Publishing. Those facilities are implemented through web services, libraries, and mediators over technologies that are offered as services operated and made accessible through VREs This deliverable is of type "Other" and consists of a set of wiki pages hosted by the BlueBRIDGE project wiki [1] plus a set of documentation pages for single facilities hosted by the gCube wiki [2].Project(s): BlueBRIDGE via OpenAIRE

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2021 Other Open Access OPEN
ARIADNEPlus - VREs operation mid-term activity report
Assante M, Cirillo R, Dell'Amico A, Pagano P, Candela L, Frosini L, Lelii L, Mangiacrapa F, Panichi G, Sinibaldi F
This deliverable D13.2 - "VREs Operation Mid-term Activity Report" describes the activities carried out during the first 24 months of the ARIADNEplus project within Work Package 13. Specifically, in Task 13.1 Infrastructure Operation (JRA2.1) and Task 13.3 VREs Operation (JRA2.3). It reports the procedures governing the operation of the VREs as well as the status of the aggregated resources at mid-term in the ARIADNEplus infrastructure.Project(s): ARIADNEplus via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2022 Software Metadata Only Access
Cirillo R, Simi M
Pipeline scritta in linguaggio "groovy", modella l'intero processo di build di una gCube Release, a partire da un file YAML passato in input. Il file contiene una lista di JenkinsJobs da buildare, raggruppati in gruppi logici di componenti, in modo da garantire il giusto ordine di build. I Job vengono eseguiti in modo concorrente all'interno dei gruppi logici in modo da ottimizzare i tempi di release. Gli stage della pipeline sono dinamici, in base ai gruppi logici presenti sul file YAML di input. L'esecuzione dei vari stages e` sequenziale. Alla fine del processo, la pipeline restituisce via mail un report al release manager, in cui vengono specificati i dettagli relativi ad ogni build eseguito.Project(s): Blue Cloud via OpenAIRE, SoBigData via OpenAIRE

See at: code-repo.d4science.org Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted